Air Conditioning Maintenance in San Jacinto

Air Conditioning Maintenance in San Jacinto


Regular maintenance on your AC system is essential to keeping you comfortable and saving money by extending the lifespan of your unit in the San Jacinto area.

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Air Conditioner Filters

Routinely replacing or cleaning the filters of your unit is a task that will ensure its performance and longevity. By simply changing the filter, you can increase efficiency by 5%-15%. Some filters are replaceable, others are reusable. You may consider changing the filter more often if the unit is constantly running, you live in a dusty area, or have pets with fur in the house.

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Cleaning the Coils

AC coils, known as evaporation coils or condensing coils, take the heat and remove it from the system so it can blow cool air. There is not much space between the coil fins, so moisture, dirt, dust, and other debris build up on the coil surface. This decreases the system's ability to transfer heat in and out of the house, which means your system's capacity for cooling is reduced.

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Straighten Bent Fins

By making sure the fins on the evaporator and condenser are straight, you are ensuring proper airflow. You can buy a “fin comb” that will help put these fins back into place.

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Cleaning Condensate Drains

Air conditioners have drain channels and if these become clogged, it compromises the units ability to remove humidity. This can cause excess moisture and may cause discoloration on the walls and carpet. Using a stiff wire brush will help keep the channels clear.

Keeping your air conditioning unit regularly maintained with a service plan will ensure its longevity, especially in San Jacinto, where our summers tend toward sweltering heat. J & M Air Conditioning and Heating services the San Jacinto area, so if you have any questions or or want to schedule with us, please contact us! We are here for you.

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